Somatic Counselling and Creative Art Therapy

I offer online and in-person body-based counselling and creative art therapy to adults, elders, children and youth. I work from a trauma-informed and anti-oppressive lens. I am passionate about integrating creativity with the wisdom of body, mind & spirit to support folks in their healing journey.
Laurie Potter, MA, RCC, RDMT
Creative Art Therapist,
Registered Clinical Counsellor (BCACC)
Registered Dance Movement Therapist (ADTA)
I have training in various modalities to meet the unique needs of each individual. I offer clinical counselling skills, somatics, movement, play and art in the therapeutic process.

Somatic Counselling
As a Registered Clinical Counsellor and Therapist, my main goal is to be present with you and guide you towards a place of healing. I see therapeutic work as a collaboration, where you can feel empowered as an active partner in your process. I feel it is important to build upon your strengths, resources and resiliency from the get-go. In my experience and on-going training in Somatic Experiencing (Intermediate Level), I have noticed that significant healing and joy can come from tuning into the body and using it as an incredible resource for well-being. Somatic Experiencing is a body-oriented therapeutic model that supports the healing of trauma.
With this in mind, I acknowledge the vulnerability of somatic experience and draw from other creative and counselling approaches to support each client's comfort. I feel deeply that when we are offered a space in which to connect with our authentic way of moving and expressing, we are offered new patterns of resolution and hope.
Drama and dance movement therapy are holistic, integrative approaches to healing that fall under the umbrella of Creative Art Therapy. Creative art therapists are highly trained at the graduate level and use their unique skills with clients of all ages and backgrounds. Within the therapeutic relationship, they engage with art, play and somatic interventions to support clients in moving beyond verbal communication to gain new pathways of insight and awareness towards their goals.
Creative Art Therapy
Dance Movement Therapy
Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT) is based on the knowledge that mind, body and spirit are interconnected. DMT therapists observe movement behaviours and draw awareness of how sensations, emotions and psychological experiences are revealed in our movement patterns. DMT supports the notion that expanding our way of moving can promote changes in how we think, feel and act, increasing our capacity to respond to life’s challenges. By tuning into the wisdom of our body and listening to what it has to say, we can begin to harmonize body and mind, moving into an integrated place of healing and growth.